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Allowing the Flow of Abundance

Allowing the Flow of Abundance

Sometimes we need a little help to manifest the flow of Abundance into our lives. First and foremost listen to what you say, the words you use and how you talk about money. More often than not, stories that were told to us from a young age from the generations before us can have a huge impact on us without even realizing.

These phrases and sentences are the stories we tell ourselves, our families or offspring that have been repeated down to us for generations. They are the stories that sometimes can limit our abundance or stories that are ingrained in us that play a role in shaping our personality. Such stories can create limitation that flows down the bloodlines, and these stories can include the good or failure, or class of your family or of the generations before you.

My old stories were things like You need to find yourself a man to look after you or Find yourself a rich man to look after you. Both statements implicating I needed a man to support me or to look after me financially. What about the good old statement that Money doesn’t grow on trees! This to me implicated that there would never be enough money. Of course, this old favourite You have to work hard for your money so this to me meant the only way I would ever have enough money was to work really hard. A statement that never sat right with me, said from my peers and mentors was that spirit and money did not mix and in order to connect with spirit I had to renounce the material world. So for me to charge for my services like Reiki, Crystal Healings – a service that I provided was wrong and that I should be offering my services for Free! I cleared that one out of my belief system very early on.

Other negative or hereditary money terms you may have heard over the years may of been things like Money is the root of all evil, Money makes you happy, Money should be saved for a rainy day, all of which can have a negative impact in your experience.

The stories we inherited down our bloodlines need to be surrendered and released. This is a really good exercise for anyone wanting to increase the flow of Abundance into their reality. Clear away the old to allow in the new!

How do I allow the flow of Abundance?

I highly recommend to gather yourself a notebook or journal and pen, maybe do a simple meditation or deep breathing exercise to clear your mind, invoke the angelic realm if you like to work with them, place some crystals around you for mental clarity. Clear Quartz is a stone of personal choice.

Gather your thoughts and start by writing down things like:

  • What is your relationship with Money?
  • How do you feel about Money?
  • Do you hold a lot of fear around money?
  • What is your reaction when you receive a bill?
  • Do you worry about never having enough money?
  • What are your stories from your family bloodline / teachers / employers / or any memorable story about money that has left an energetic imprint on you?
  • Are there stories that relate to you or your families class ?
  • Are there stories about gender as in your the man of the house so you need to support the family, or hierarchy, or your siblings and what is expected of you in regards to wealth and money?
  • Write down statements you often use about money, for example I can’t afford that or I have never got enough money or everything is so expensive.

Get your creative juices flowing and delve in to your truth about Money and all that it represents to you. Transform these stories, release and surrender all the stories about your families fortune or failures, allow yourself to write these stories freely so you can really surrender them.

Surrender and Release

Read over what you have written and you may have an epiphany moment or realizations of just what has been holding you back. You may simply just realize how many money stories there are in your belief system and bloodline. Next you need to surrender and release these old beliefs back to the universe.

If you enjoy doing rituals, you could perform a burning ritual, a practice used to release fears or negative intentions that does not serve your higher self.

Gather your notes and safely burn them in a heatproof vessel (cast iron cauldrons work well for this) all the while with an intention to release unwanted energies and attachments from the past and make space for new intentions. I often combine this ritual with meditation, which helps to uncover hidden self-limiting thoughts like feelings of self-doubt or negative attachment. There are plenty of mediations about money and abundance on the internet. The full moon is about letting go, so this is the perfect time to release limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, or low-vibration emotions. If you like to work with Moon energy, release and surrender all your money beliefs under the full moon. Simply set your intention to surrender and release your old money beliefs to the universe, read them aloud and again burn them safely, in a heatproof vessel.

Release these limitations to expand your own potential for abundance, expand your beliefs about what is possible for money, wealth and abundance, feel your connection to the universe where you can create anything. Write down all the things you would do if you had an abundance of money. Really try and feel what it would actually feel like, feel the emotional connection and activate the vibration within. Find the feeling of it and trust and know it will find its way to you. Try and release any resistance you have or negative emotions that crop up when you have to pay a bill and turn it in to a positive by thanking the universe for the service it provided you.

Try some positive daily affirmations and open yourself to a greater flow of abundance with positive thoughts and a positive mindset when it comes to your relationship with money. It can help you overcome fear and self-doubt and really, what have you got to lose? Anything is possible right? And yes miracles do happen!

Positive Money Affirmations

There are so many positive affirmations that you can use to draw in and attract the vibration of money into your reality. Say them daily or use an affirmation app as a reminder. These are a few of my personal favourite affirmations:

  • I love Money and Money loves me
  • I surrender any resistance I have in relationship to money
  • Financial freedom is coming to me in abundance
  • I am a money magnet
  • Money is flowing to me in abundance
  • There is an abundance of money available and it is time for me to receive my share
  • I am worthy of the wealth I desire
  • I am financially free
  • I am grateful for the money I have
  • Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways
  • I am open to receiving money

Find the art of allowing and release resistance. Tune into the frequency of love and gratitude to attract a more blissful state of well-being.

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