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How to Cleanse Crystals

cleansing crystals, white sage, crystals

Cleansing your Crystals

The are many reasons why you need to cleanse your crystals and various ways that you can do it and here we are going to go through some of our favourite methods. Cleansing your crystals is a fun and magical way to connect with your stones before you start working with them. You can make this into a beautiful ritual which will help you to connect at a deeper level, or it can be a simple task but either way always keep it light with positive intentions.

When you purchase or get gifted a crystal, the first thing to do is to cleanse it, remember the crystals may have travelled far and wide, been held by many and therefore have picked up all sorts of energies on its journey to you. The same goes when working with your crystals, they absorb all the energies that you are releasing so will regularly need to be cleansed.

Cleansing your crystals allows their full potential enabling you to benefit from your crystals more effectively.


Our favourite method for cleansing crystals is by Moonlight. Crystals not only get cleansed from all the energies they have absorbed but they also get charged up with a good zap of moon energy. Moon energy is incredibly potent and a lot of people work with the Full Moon to help release old energies that no longer serves them.

Simply leave the crystals outside under the Full Moon so they bathe in the powerful magical energies of the Moon. If, for whatever reason, you can’t leave them outside then place them on a windowsill and they will still benefit from the cleansing energies of the moon. You can give your crystals a moon bath on the night of the full moon, or the night before, or the night after the full moon.

Caution: Some crystals like Selenite, Hematite and Pyrite cannot get wet, so check the forecast before placing certain crystals outside.

White Sage / Palo Santo

Cleansing crystals with white sage or Palo Santo is another excellent method to clear your crystals from stagnant energies. The smoke from the Sage or Palo Santo has powerful cleansing abilities and is often called smudging. This technique is an ancient ritual that has been used to cleanse a space or objects for eons.

Just light the end of the Sage or Palo Santo (Note: Palo Santo often can take a while to light, so be patient), and then hold your crystal in the stream of smoke, always with a positive intention that you are clearing and cleansing it from any negative or stagnant energies. This can be any time from a quick waft of smoke to holding your crystal in the smoke for several minutes. Just use your intuition as to how long your crystal needs cleansing for. This is also an excellent time to cleanse the space around you, including your aura and your environment. It will leave you feeling lighter and uplifted.

Smudging Crystals is suitable for all crystals.


This method is such an easy go to for cleansing any of your smaller crystals like tumble stones and jewellery. Selenite has self-cleansing properties so is ideal to recharge other crystals. Selenite is one of the must have crystals in your collection and I highly recommend a charging plate like this (add link) or a Selenite bowl like this (add link).

Selenite is a unique and powerful crystal that can purify, cleanse and charge other crystals. Using Selenite to cleanse your crystals and jewellery is such a simple yet highly effective method.

Simply place your crystals on top of a flat piece of Selenite or Selenite bowl and they will instantly start to be charged and cleansed. You can leave them on there for 5 minutes or up to 24 hours.

Selenite is suitable for all crystals.

Water Bath

Cleansing your crystals with the magical element of Water is another method often used by many. The water element is very well known to wash away old and stagnant energies and you will want to find a natural water source like the Ocean, Natural Spring, a Creek, or Rain Water as tap water has too many chemicals and will not have the same effect.

If you are lucky enough to live near to the ocean or a running creek, simply gather your crystals and wash them through the water with the intention that you are cleansing and washing away any negative or stagnant energies. If you have a lot of crystals to cleanse you may want to gather some water in a vessel or container, preferably glass or ceramic, a glass jar works well, and you can then let your crystals soak in the water for up to 24 hours. You can even make your own saltwater using a a glass jar or vessel, about a teaspoon of sea salt, filtered water and then let your crystals soak for 8 – 24 hours.

Once you crystals have soaked in the water and have been cleansed and purified, gently pat them dry and they are ready to work with you.

Caution: This method is not suitable for all crystals so always check first. Any crystals with a metal element can rust, for example, Hematite, Pyrite, Lapis Lazuli, porous and other crystals can change in appearance, for example Selenite, Opal and Amber to name a few.

Morning Sun

Sometimes I like to give my crystals some morning sunlight to charge them up and give them a nice boost. The Sun is a natural source of energy and the crystals love to soak up the magic from the sun and it is a wonderful way to infuse them with the vibrant yang energy of the glistening, joyful sun energy.

Most crystals love a sun bath but you have to be very cautious not to leave them out in the heat for too long or for extended periods of time. Certain crystals can crack and fade so our advice is just to pop them out in the morning sun for about 30 minutes. The sun will charge them up with an energy of abundance, love and vitality so they continue to sparkle and share their energies with you throughout the day.

Caution: Amethyst, Ametrine, Amber, Aquamarine can fade in the sun, and some other crystals like Rose Quartz can only tolerate small amounts of sunshine. Always check first, and be cautious about leaving crystals on your windowsill for the same reason.


Using the vibration of sound is a very effective method of cleansing your crystals from any negative energies. Sound healing is used all around the world to help people release unwanted energies that they may be holding on to and as a form of meditation. The vibration from sound energetically cleanses and clears stagnant energy and is a very simple method to use.

Some of the popular instruments frequently used are singing bowls, drums and tuning forks. Just lay your crystals out on a blanket or somewhere that they are safe, set your intention to clear and cleanse your crystals and play your instrument over the top of them so the vibrations of sound work their magic. You can play your instrument for however long you feel is needed using your intuition.

Your crystals are now ready to work with you.

This method is suitable for all crystals.

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