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Your Chakra Guide

Chakra guide and crystals, chakras and crystals

Your Chakra Guide

The word CHAKRA is a Sanskrit word meaning Wheel and it refers to the 7 energy centres in our body. Each Chakra spins and vibrates at different speeds, the crown being the highest speed. There are more than 7 Chakras within the body but generally these 7 are the most active energy centre / wheels in our aura.

Each Chakra is stimulated by a different colour and the Chakra’s regulate the flow of energy through our energy system within the body. If your Chakra’s are not balanced or the energy is blocked in a specific or several chakra’s, our basic life force energy is slowed down. This could mean you may feel tired, out of sorts, depressed or negative thoughts and fears may preoccupy you. When our physical, emotional and mental bodies are not working in harmony with each other our Chakra’s can also become blocked and you can become run down or suffer from illness.

It is important to keep our chakra’s balanced as it promotes good health and wellbeing. Crystals and Reiki can be used to re-balance and stimulate all our Chakra’s and can greatly benefit getting the universal flow of energy moving throughout our body. We can gain a better quality of life when our chakra’s are in balance and harmony.

Crystals are wonderful and powerful healing tools and respond to the electrical currents that flow through our body and if it is sluggish, the constant electrical flow from the crystals will help harmonize, balance and stimulate the energies. By using the same coloured crystal to the corresponding Chakra will help achieve this.

Root Chakra

Colour: Red

Element: Earth

Location: Base of spine or pubic bone in the front.

The Root Chakra holds the basic need for survival, security and safety. This chakra is connected with our survival instincts and to mother earth, providing us with the ability to be grounded into the earth plane. It relates to our will to live, our physical energy and our drive. The Root chakra is deeply connected with our foundation of life, our support, our tribe and family.

When the Root Chakra is balanced we feel stable, confident, energetic, independent and strong.

If the Root Chakra is imbalanced, there will be a lack of vitality, feeling unstable and ungrounded, lethargy, fearful, insecure and excessive focus on what you don’t have!

Recommended Crystal: Red Jasper – The supreme nurturer, grounds energies and is good for protection. It also absorbs negative energies , cleanses and aligns the chakras and aura.

Additional Crystals: Hematite, Obsidian, Smokey Quartz, Black Tourmaline and Bloodstone.

Sacral Chakra

Colour: Orange

Element: Water

Location: 2 inches below the navel.

The Sacral Chakra relates to our desires, our passion, our pleasure , our sexuality, our emotional feelings and expression. This is our womb area, where seeds of creation are birthed. The sacred space where life is created , through this chakra you can create anything, it is your creativity centre through which you can manifest what you want in life and in the world. It is the spark of creation within you that can make anything possible.

If your Sacral Charka is imbalanced you may feel emotional and sensitive, you may feel irritable and have low self-worth, you may also have a lack of energy and creativity. Physically you may have kidney problems, lower back problems and constipation.

Recommended Crystal: Carnelian – An excellent crystal for restoring your energy and vitality, motivation and creativity and also helps to stimulate metabolism.

Additional Crystals: Amber, Orange Calcite, Sunstone, Fire Opal.

The Solar Plexus

Colour: Yellow

Element: Fire

Location: Between the navel and bottom of rib cage.

The Solar Plexus is related to self esteem, boundaries and will power. It is our inner drive and where we feel our ‘gut feelings’. The Solar Plexus is responsible for regulating the energy associated with action and intention, and the energy of transformation. When balanced it shines brightly like the Sun. It is the Chakra that we tend to absorb and hold onto our fears and trauma, negative emotions and can also harness the energy of our ego, anger and aggression.

If the Solar Plexus is imbalanced there will be strong signs of depression, lack of self esteem, anger and perfectionism. Physically symptoms of digestive problems, IBS, diabetes and weight gain may be a problem.

Recommended Crystal: Citrine – This stone carries the power of the sun and is warming, energizing and enhances creativity, being the perfect crystal for the Solar Plexus. Citrine never needs cleansing as it absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and grounds negative energy. Citrine energizes every level of life, cleanses the chakras, raises self esteem and confidence, encourages self expression and activates creativity.

Additional Crystals: Amber, Yellow Calcite, Golden Topaz

Heart Chakra

Colour: Green / Rose & Pink Shades

Element: Air

Location: In the heart region, in the centre behind the breastbone.

The Heart Chakra relates to all heart related feelings of love and compassion. This is our love centre and centre of happiness, joy, beauty and acceptance, trust and passion. When this chakra is balanced you will feel caring, compassionate, friendly and motivated.

If this Chakra is imbalanced you may have emotional issues like anger, lack of trust, anxiety, jealousy, fear and moodiness. Physically it can relate to heart conditions such as heart palpations and other heart related problems, high blood pressure and difficulty in breathing.

Recommended Crystal: We have two recommendations, For the Rose / Pink we recommend Rose Quartz, the stone of unconditional love, helping you to release love related fear, to bring forgiveness and love to self. For the Green we recommend Green Aventurine to promote compassion and empathy, green aventurine helps to to promote feelings of well being and emotional calm. 

Additional Crystals: Bloodstone, Ruby, Emerald, Jade, Pink Tourmaline, Green Calcite, Kunzite.

Throat Chakra

Colour: Blue

Element: Space

Location: The Throat Chakra is located at the ‘V’ of the collarbone at the lower neck.

The Throat Chakra relates to self expression, healthy communication, inspiration and represents spiritual growth and the purification of the mind, body and spirit.

If imbalanced the person may experience throat or voice problems, ear problems, neck and thyroid problems, or the person may present as shy, timid, or have the inability to express themselves.

Recommended Crystal: Sodalite – This stone instils a drive for truth, making it possible to remain true to self and stand up for your beliefs. Sodalite aids communication and helps to heal throat and vocal cord conditions.

Additional Crystals: Blue Lace Agate, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Blue Calcite, Kyanite, Azurite, Celestite

Third Eye

Colour: Indigo

Element: None

Location: On the forehead between the eyebrows

The Third Eye relates to our intuition and vision. It is the centre of our dreams, imagination and higher knowing. The Third Eye has the capacity to create your ideas into physical reality and to harness your higher knowledge and wisdom in this life.

If imbalanced it may make you feel non-assertive or egotistical or you may suffer physical symptoms like headaches, blurry vision or eye strain

Recommended Crystal: Amethyst – This crystal is excellent for the Third Eye Chakra as it guards and protects against psychic attack and helps to enhance higher states of consciousness and meditation. Amethyst helps to enhance your spiritual gifts and intuition and has a powerful high vibration which can also help to release headaches and tension.

Additional Crystals: Super Seven, Apophyllite, Herkimer Diamonds, Sugalite, Moldavite, Lapis Lazuli

Crown Chakra

Colour: Violet / White

Element: None

Location: Crown of the head

The Crown Chakra is the only chakra that is outside the body and is the centre of spirituality, enlightenment, and dynamic thought and energy. The Crown allows the infinite flow of wisdom and brings the gift of cosmic consciousness, the reality of wholeness and peace which gives us a sense of purpose to our existence.

If imbalanced we might suffer from migraines, headaches and destructive feelings.

Recommended Crystal: Selenite – This crystal brings clarity of mind and oneness and is excellent at clearing and cleansing your crown chakra. It encourages spiritual growth and brings about a deep sense of inner peace with self.

Additional Crystals: Clear Quartz, Optical Calcite, Moonstone, Rutilated Quartz, Herkimer Diamond, Lepidolite, Howlite, Amethyst,

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